
We have three allotment sites within the parish, Brownshill, France Lynch and Middle Hill.

We have vacant plots for the first time in a long time, so if you are interested in taking on your own plot then please contact or phone during 10am to 1pm on (01453) 887204.

Chalford Allotments are on charity land, the charity’s title being “Chalford Allotments for the Labouring Poor” (Charity No. 206016) and therefore are for residents of the parish of Chalford.

The National Allotment Society website contains a wealth of information which you may find useful, click the link to have a browse

Chalford Allotment Recipe Book

We would also like to thank Chris and Caroline Lee who are members of ChalCANs Food & Waste Group, who along with their daughter, created a wonderful Recipe Book to help celebrate National Allotment Week 2020. Many thanks for doing this, and to all tenants who submitted a recipe, they sound great! Please click here to view the recipe book.

The ChalCAN Food & Waste Group run a local seed swap – please click here to see the attached flyer if you would like to find out more.
Also check out the ChalCAN's Allotment page.

France Lynch Allotment Site

The France Lynch allotment site

This site is located on the right on Highfield Way in the Bournes Green direction and is adjacent to France Lynch Pleasure Ground. It consists of 42 allotments, some of which are divided and are all of varying sizes.

Middle Hill Allotment Site

The Middle Hill allotment site

This site is located on Middle Hill, on the left just after Middle Hill farm as you approach the village of Chalford Hill. It is the largest of our allotment sites and has around 130 allotments, these vary in size but the standard size full plot is 45 x 5m, a lot of our tenants prefer to rent a half plot.

Brownshill Allotment Site

The Brownshill allotment site

This site is situated on the edge of Brownshill between the junction of Beech Lane and Brownshill Road. It is the smallest of our allotment sites, there are currently 38 plots of varying sizes.


The current rent for a standard full plot (45m x 5m) is £37p.a. and standard half plot £18.50p.a. There is a banded system of rental for the plots of varying sizes. A one off set up fee of £25 is chargeable when you take a plot on.

Please contact Lucy, the Assistant Clerk for more details on 01453 887204 between 10am and 1pm.

Allotment Rules and Guidance

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