Freezer of Love

We have a ‘Freezer of Love’ at the Parish Centre – Provided by The Long Table

What are Freezers of Love?Freezer of love
Funding from the Government's Coronavirus Community Support Fund has given money to enable 6,500 meals to go into Community ‘Freezers of Love’ based throughout Stroud District. Distributed by the National Lottery and organised by the Long Table, Chalford Parish Council hosts a freezer in their office.

Who are the meals for?
The frozen ready meals are there for everyone, not just those who are short of money but those who are short of time, need support getting food during the current restrictions, are ill or just need a delicious meal. Cooked by local people with love the meals are there for free. However, should you like to make a donation you can make a contribution by going to the Long Table website at

£3.80 covers the basic cost of your meal. £5 is the most commonly paid amount. This covers the cost of your meal and allows us to grow what we offer and move forward. £7.60 – you have paid for your meal and for a neighbour who needs one.
£10 + - around 17% of our donors pay this amount which really helps turbo charge our offer (and starts to change the world).

You can find a ‘Freezer of Love’ just inside the foyer at Chalford Parish Centre, 50 Geralds way, Chalford, Stroud, GL6 8FJ.
Please pop in and help yourself during office opening hours Monday to Thursday 10am until 3pm.
(there will be a tin in place for cash donations)

 In addition to the freezer of love, we have a 'mini food bank' at the Parish Centre. Dry goods such as pasta, tins, jars, soups, packets etc are there to be taken by anyone who needs them. Please help yourself, the crate of food is on top of the freezer of love. This has been set up by students at Thomas Keble School, we are pleased to help with their campaign to end food poverty.