
Meadow Way

Published: 25 Jul 24

A collaboration between Bussage Primary School and ChalCAN to further improve biodiversity in our parish. Read More...

Hyde Wood

Published: 22 Jul 24

Many residents have expressed concern about the felling work that is being undertaken in Hyde Woods, the visual impact of which is striking. While this area is part of Minchinhampton Parish many residents of Chalford Parish overlook the area and are regular users of its footpaths. Read More...

Old Neighbourhood

Published: 4 Jul 24

We have been very busy working behind the scenes with Gloucestershire Highways to address the present road condition of the Old Neighbourhood. We are very pleased to say that our Local Highways Manager has managed to obtain the required permits to allow this road to be closed while work is carried out to repair surface defects. Gloucestershire Highways had already been planning works to improve the road surface ahead of recent media attention, but hope you agree this is very welcome news. The bottom half of the hill (from Abnash crossroads to the A419) will be closed from Monday 15th July until Thursday 18th July, and the top section (from Abnash crossroads to Tanglewood Way) will be closed on Friday 19th July for works to be carried out. The road will be closed between 09:30hrs and 15:00hrs to assist with local commute and school travel journeys. The diversion will be via Toadsmoor Road. If there any changes about this closure, we will keep you updated. Read More...

Annual Meeting of the Parish

Published: 28 May 24

Chalford Parish Council would like to thank everyone for coming to the Annual Meeting of the Parish, which was very well attended. The theme was the future of our Parish, and we were treated to excellent presentations by children from Bussage and Chalford Hill Primary Schools, who told us about the projects they have been working on in the Parish, with a particular focus on biodiversity and eco-projects. We also heard about the re-opening of Frith Youth Centre on 6 June and plans by SDC Cubed Youth Forum to re-start youth sessions in Chalford for young people aged 13 to 19. Some of this year’s grant recipients attended, including the Eastcombe Scouts and Guides, who still have capacity for more children. Drinks and nibbles were very well received afterwards. Let us know if you have any ideas for next year's theme! Read More...

Grass Cutting in the Parish

Published: 24 Apr 24

The grass cutting season is now underway, and we want to keep you informed as we strive to strike a balance between maintaining our Parish and aspiring to enhance biodiversity. Please click to read more... Read More...

Get an Allotment

Published: 16 Apr 24

Join the Allotment Community! Enjoy growing fresh produce, improve you mental and physical wellbeing and enjoy a very sociable pastime. Read More...

Old Neighbourhood Inn

Published: 8 Apr 24

Please see comment from the Parish Council regarding the planning application for Change of Use. Read More...

Sycamore Grove Wall

Published: 8 Feb 24

The Parish Council wants an amicable resolution of the Sycamore Grove Wall dispute. Read More...

Friday Lunch Club

Published: 10 Oct 23

We have a fantastic group of volunteers and many residents are enjoying a very sociable free light lunch of homemade soup and a roll! Do join us at the Frith Youth Centre every Friday 12-2pm. Read More...

Financial Advice and Support is Available if You’re Struggling to Make Ends Meet

Published: 12 Apr 22

A leaflet containing information if you are struggling with the cost of living. Read More...

Befriending Service

Published: 29 Mar 22

Can you help? Do you have a bit of spare some time to visit a resident in the parish who is lonely? or do you know of someone who would benefit from visits? If so please get in touch with us to dicuss further (01453) 887204. Read More...

Electric Vehicle Charging points at the Parish Centre

Published: 9 Dec 21

We have two charging points at the Parish Centre. Click to read more about how to use them, they are charged at 40p per KWH. Read More...

Terracycling Collection at the Parish Centre

Published: 8 Dec 21

You can drop items during office hours Monday to Thursday. Click to read more info and see what items are included in the scheme. Read More...

Sign up to our mailing list

Published: 1 Dec 21

If you would like to receive updates on what is happening in the parish; such as road works, road closures and other useful information then please email us to be added to our mailing list. Read More...

Friends of Frith Wood (FOFW)

Published: 10 Nov 21

The group will look after the Parish's part of the wood: its trees, wildlife, ecosystems and infrastructure. Read More...

Mobile post office service

Published: 22 Oct 21

Click for further information

Dry stone walls

Published: 17 Mar 21

Are you interested in how dry stone walls add to the charm of our parish? Read More...