The main role of the Community Speed Watch Group is to monitor speed within the parish and then try to moderate the behaviour of motorists. We work closely with the local police as well as the Gloucestershire Police Road Safety unit together with GCC Highways.
We need more volunteers to join our Community Speedwatch Group. If you would like to be involved then please contact to find out more.
We have a speed indicator device which we use at dedicated positions within the parish (agreed with GCC Highways). We also have a tri-pod so we can monitor other roads where there may be a problem, positioning depends on safety and visibility. We look at problems areas and try to solve issues by working with the various agencies.
We have asked GCC Highways to support 20 is plenty within Chalford but they have confirmed that currently there is no plan for them to introduce a blanket 20 PH scheme.
We continue to look at reducing the weight limit or changing the weight limit to a width limit on the Old Neighbourhood, but it is not as easy as it looks. However, this is on our agenda and we will continue to investigate what can be done.
Fourways Crossroads remains a major concern. We have recorded speeds in excess of 90mph! Having explored a number of options with Highways, the best that we have managed to achieve is the installation of a 'Gateway Scheme'. This consists of a gate with a message on the approach from Bisley, a line of dragons teeth, a large '30' painted on the road on a red surface. Larger yellow backed 30 signs (same position unfortunately) were installed, plus enhanced signage. We have taken down a number of self seeded trees to increase visibility. This work was delayed due to the pandemic but was carried out earlier this year.
We get asked why speed bumps can't be installed on the approach to the crossroads. A lot of speed control hardware has been removed by central government including speed bumps, as they cause more carbon emissions as people tend to speed between the bumps and then brake.
If you would like to help us to reduce speeds within the Parish, then please do get in touch to find out more about what you can do to help, we would love to hear from you.