Parish Council

Food Bank:  We have dry goods such as pasta, tins, jars, soups, packets etc here at the Parish Centre to be taken by any Resident who needs them. Please help yourself to the table of food in the foyer.

Freezer of Love:  The frozen ready meals are there for everyone, not just those who are short of money but those who are short of time, need support getting food during the current restrictions, are ill or just need a delicious meal. Cooked by local people with love the meals are there for free. However, should you like to make a donation you can make a contribution by going to the Long Table website at Please pop in and help yourself during office opening hours Monday to Thursday 10am until 3pm. (there will be a tin in place for cash donations)

Friday Lunch Club (previously Warm Room):   Come and join us every Friday (12 - 2pm) at the Frith Youth Centre for a chat, company and FREE light hot lunch.  

Contact Us: Get in touch by phone, email or pop in and talk to us about your situation and we can discuss what support is available.

Grant has been awarded from the Gloucestershire Community Foundation towards the Cost of Living.



Other Support


Follow these steps to find out where to get help in the Stroud area.

Stroud District Council have put together a useful page outlining the various ways you can access help and support.