Other Facilities

There are other smaller facilities owned by Chalford Parish Council that you can read about below.  

Benches, Bins and Bus Shelters

There are numerous benches and seats around the parish, which are repaired and maintained regularly by the Parish Council.

Litter bins on council owned land are emptied twice a week and are repaired and maintained by the Parish Council’s Groundsman. In addition, the council has installed a number of dog waste bins on parish council controlled land which are emptied weekly by the District Council’s refuse contractor.

The Parish Council also supply grit bins for the winter months. A full list of their location can be obtained from the parish centre. Grit from bins around the parish may be used by parishioners on local roads, but please use sparingly – one handful per 2 square metres is sufficient.

The Council also owns and maintains the bus shelters.

Bench and Sign 

Parish Land

In addition to numerous pieces of land in the parish, Chalford Parish Council has a responsibility for a portion of Frithwood and contracts an arborist to regularly inspect and maintain the trees. (The majority of the woodland is owned by Boddington Estates and is maintained by their own contractor).

Parish Noticeboards

The council also provide noticeboards for the use of local societies, clubs and other not-for-profit organisations (eg school PTAs, playgroups etc..). Unfortunately due to limited space we can’t accommodate commercial ads.

BT Phone Boxes

The Parish Council adopted four traditional red telephone boxes which are located in Brownshill, Bussage Village Hall, Lynch Road in France Lynch and Silver Street in Chalford Hill. These are for use by the community, the phone box in Brownshill houses a heritage display about the history of Brownshill along with a mini library. The boxes in France Lynch and Chalford house a mini library, we will post soon about the box at Bussage Village Hall.