Parish Centre

The Parish Council Office is situated in Geralds Way within the most recent development in Chalford, Manor Farm. Conveniently close to Tesco Express, Boots, Frithwood Surgery and a Chinese takeaway. The office is our administrative centre where the Clerk, Deputy Clerk/RFO and Assistant Clerk are based. The Frith Youth Centre Administrator works from here on a part time basis. We have a full and part time Groundsmen who are based from the workshop on The Frith. We are sure that you will see them carrying out their work around the parish.

In addition to the office and two meeting areas, we also have an extensive book swap facility. Do come and browse and bring any books you’ve finished reading which are in good condition. We have some puzzles too. There is a leaflet stand carrying maps, walks and local information and the clerks are happy to advise on local services and answer any queries you may have.

We also have a Freezer of Love  and a 'mini food bank' containing dry goods, at the Parish Centre. Residents can help themselves to food during office hours.

There are two 7kW EV charging points at the Parish Centre with dedicated parking spaces, one on either side of the entrance. Whilst these chargers are not the fastest, they’re convenient if you need a top-up, or if you’ve visitors who need a longer, perhaps overnight, charge. And if you charge when the sun is shining, you can relax in the knowledge that some at least of your charge is from the environmentally friendly panels on the Centre roof. We charge a reasonable 50p/kWh – not as cheap as using a home charger, but better than many other public chargers.



Parish Centre

Book Swaps

In addition to the very popular book swap at the Parish Centre, there are three ‘satellite’ book swaps located around the parish in the traditional red telephone boxes which the Parish Council adopted. We have had so many comments from parishioners about how much they enjoy the adopted book swaps, a big thank you to those involved with setting them up and keeping them going. They are located in Chalford Hill on Silver Street, Lynch Road in France Lynch and Brownshill (this box is shared use – a local history display and book swap). There is also one at Bussage Village Hall - more to follow on this one soon.


Terracycle Collection Point

We have a teracycle recycling bin at the Parish Centre, you can drop off items during office hours.